How it works for senders

Post your load for free

Listing your load with GoBackload is quick and free. As part of our process, you can enter a suggested price (Accept-Now Price) that you're happy to pay. If your price is acceptable to a carrier, they will accept your offer. If not, they can post a counteroffer. You are free to accept or reject all offers you receive. Once you accept an offer, you are obligated to continue with the terms and conditions of GoBackload. 

Confirm and Contact

After confirming a carrier, your contact email and phone number will be sent to the trucker. You will also have the truckers contacts so that you can both discuss pick-up and delivery details. Depending on payment protocols, you will need to confirm payment directly with the trucker.

Go Deliver

Once you have confirmed payment to the trucker, your load will be picked up. For your peace of mind, you should confirm insurance and delivery details with the trucker. Please remember to place feedback after your load has been delivererd.

How it works for Truckers

Application process

At GoBackload, we vet drivers before allowing them access to bid on loads. The process is quick and easy, and involves a phone call from us to validate your business.

Please let us know the types of backloads you typically look for so we can better assist you.

Bid for loads

Once you've been authorised, you're ready to start bidding on loads by the Accept-Now process or the bid process. If your bid or Accept-Now offer has been accepted, we require a 10% deposit from your GoBackload Account to release the sender's details. It is then up to you to contact the sender to arrange the logistics of the load. You will need to organise Payment for the load and confirm insurance and delivery details directly with the sender.

Go and deliver

Once you've delivered the load, head back to the listing on GoBackload and confirm delivery. This will trigger an automated process to provide feedback for and from the sender.