• Last-Minute Loads: Driving Profit for Truckers

    Posted on February 6, 2024

    GoBackload is proud to introduce a unique service tailored to trucking companies seeking last-minute loads. Designed as a backload platform, it enables senders to list their time-flexible loads and wait for available trucks to fill their last-minute space. While not all loads offer flexibility in timing, GoBackload focuses on freight that can accommodate such flexibility, addressing a growing need within the trucking industry. Industry research reveals that 9 out of 20 trucks remain empty or partially empty daily, emphasising the demand for such services.

    Despite the trucking sector's historical scepticism regarding backload pricing and its impact on yield per kilometre driven, backloads play a crucial role in utilising perishable inventory that cannot be sold once the truck departs. Opting for last-minute loads to fill unsold space directly enhances vehicle yields, positively impacting the bottom line. Any additional last-minute revenue contributes to the top line, with costs already attributed to the secured load. Effectively utilising last-minute loads involves identifying and factoring in additional costs associated with the freight, such as detours for pickup or delivery.

    Specialising in finding and utilising time-flexible freight is where GoBackload excels. Our service allows truckers to bid with senders free of charge and in confidence, with a fee of only 10% of the freight charge once the bid is accepted. This ensures transparency and a level playing field for all truckers utilising the platform.

    In addition to financial benefits, GoBackload identifies other advantages, including the reduction of carbon emissions through efficiency. We are currently working on quantifying these savings and intend to provide this data to both senders and truckers. This development underscores our commitment to highlighting the benefits of using backloads to enhance efficiency and profitability within the freight industry.
