• Introducing Private Quotes on GoBackload!

    Posted on October 29, 2023

    We're thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to your experience on our platform! At GoBackload, we're committed to revolutionising the way truckers and freight owners connect. Today, we're taking another stride towards creating a fairer and more beneficial environment for all of you.

    Introducing Private Quotes.

    Starting today, GoBackload is introducing Private Quotes.  We've listened to your feedback and understand the importance of ensuring that our platform remains a valuable tool for truckers like you. With Private Quotes, we're putting you back in the driver's seat, giving you the power to secure a load without the stress of a reverse auction or a race to the bottom.

    Why Private Quotes Matter:

    1. Empowering You, the Truckers: Private Quotes mean that your bid is yours alone. No more worrying about underbidding or constantly adjusting your rates to compete. Your quote is confidential, allowing you to set a fair price that reflects your current situation, location and available space.  We are all about backloads after all and don't want you having to set a public precident on your rates, if you would be travelling empty otherwise.

    2. Fostering Fairness and Quality Service: By eliminating the reverse auction model, GoBackload is ensuring that truckers are valued for the service they provide. This means fairer prices for your hard work and a higher standard of service for freight owners.

    3. Building Trust and Long-lasting Relationships: Private Quotes promote a more transparent and trusting environment. Freight owners can have confidence that the quote they receive is reflective of the true value of your service, leading to stronger, more mutually beneficial partnerships.

    How Private Quotes Work:

    1. Confidentiality: Your quote is visible only to the freight owner and yourself, ensuring that your pricing strategy remains confidential.

    2. Focused on Quality and Convenience, Not Price: Private Quotes shift the focus from bidding wars to the service you provide. It's about finding the right match for your truck at the right time.

    We believe that Private Quotes will improve the way you do business on GoBackload. This feature is designed with you in mind, and we can't wait to hear about the positive impact it has on your experience.

    Thank you for being an integral part of the GoBackload community. Together, we're shaping the future of freight matching!

    Keep on trucking!

    Warm regards,

    The GoBackload Team
